
Thank you for using our website, which is home to the leading yacht, catamaran and cutter charter service in Latvia: We hope to provide you with lots of memorable experiences, helping to arrange your rest and relaxation on the waters of not only Latvia, but also both the Mediterranean and Caribbean regions.

In order to improve your experience using the website, we use cookies and the globally popular website statistic tool Google Analytics, which enables us to view site visit data anonymously and only in a collated manner. Google Analytics is used by thousands of websites in Latvia and millions all over the world.

In order for you to find out more about, we post banner ads or Display Advertising, which is shown on the Google Display Network (GDN). Similarly, in our online advertising, we use the Remarketing option offered by Google Analytics. Accordingly, third party sites which operate within the Google Display Network (GDN) and Google itself can show our Display Advertising in many places on the Internet.

You are entitled to opt-out from Google Analytics and Display Advertising and to adapt Google Display Network (GDN) ads, using Ads Preferences Manager.

We and representatives of third parties, including Google, we simultaneously use first party cookies (e.g. Google Analytics cookies) and third party cookies (e.g. DoubleClick cookies) to inform, optimise and present ads, based on past visits to our homepage.

We respect privacy and therefore all data that we receive from you in the form of applications for cruises or prize draws will solely be used for the purpose of communicating with you efficiently and conveniently and will not be disclosed to third persons.

We conform to all legislation and adhere to it. In visiting this homepage, you can feel secure – your privacy is not at risk.

Yours respectfully,
the team